Saturday, August 8, 2009


1943. Mi Nr 765-68. Help for Transnistria. The set represent the Moldavian Prince Duca, who was, for a short time, Hetman of Ukraine.

George Duca had plans of extending his rule over Right-bank Ukraine, where Ottoman gains had started with the acquisition of Podolia in 1672. His overlord appointed him Hetman over the newly-gained regions, in 1680 or 1681, after much bribery strained the Moldavian treasury as much as the request that Ducas had placed on the taxed categories that they contribute to his daughter's dowry.

In 1683, Ducas joined the Ottomans in their march and the Battle of Vienna. Helped by his absence and aware of the complete failure of the Ottoman plans, boyars throughout the land rebelled, following Ştefan Petriceicu's command, and welcomed the invading Poles and Cossacks.

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