Sunday, August 9, 2009

Romania 1931

50 years of Romanian Kingdom. The last stamp from the set of five. Mi N. 401. The stamp depicts King Ferdinand(1865-1927). He was crowned king in 1914 . Even though he was German(like the rest of the Romanian royal family) he entered the W.W.I. against Germany respecting his oath: "I will reign as a good Romanian."

Romania Fruit Week

1934 Mi Nr. 478 "grapes give health"

Mi N. 478

Peles Castle

1933. 50 years Peles Castle(the summer residence of Romanian royal family)
(Mi. N.462-64).
The first stamp depicts the first king of Romania Charles I(Carol in Romanian, Karl) and his wife Elizabeth(also a writer known as Carmen Sylva). During the building she wrote in her diary:
"Italians were masons, Romanians were building terraces, the Gypsies were coolies. Albanians and Greeks worked in stone, Germans and Hungarians were carpenters. Turks were burning brick. Engineers were Polish and the stone carvers were Czech. The Frenchmen were drawing, the Englishmen were measuring, and so was then when you could see hundreds of national costumes and fourteen languages in which they spoke, sang, cursed and quarreled on all dialects and tones, a joyful mix of men, horses, cart oxen and domestic buffaloes."

Romania 1940

The Sentinel of the Motherland(Straja Tarii)- Pictures(Mi Nr. 631-638)

The Sentinel(1935-1940) was an organisation created by the king Carol II to replace the Scouts and to counter the influence of the Iron Guard. All boys aged 7 to 18 and all girls between 7 and 21 were supposed to join.
The organisation had a paramilitary character, resembling Hitler's Youth and Italian Balilla. The members were bound by a Credo:
"Faith and labour for Country and King. 1. I believe in God and the Church of my ancestors; 2. I believe in the King of the Country, our Great Sentinel, the Leader of the Romanian People's destinies; 3. I believe in labour and sacrifice — dedicating my entire being to the advancement and prosperity of the Motherland; 4. I believe in Straja Ţării — the guarantee of the People's Unity, of the Boundaries and of the Romanian Soul."

The set is the last issued with Straja Tarii inscription because a couple of months later they were disbanded by the Iron Guard.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Romania 1939

NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR 1939-1940 which had as a motto "I have seen the future"

"I think that there are moments where you can see the world turning from what it is into what it will be. For me, the New York World's Fair is such a moment. It is a compass rose pointing in all directions, toward imaginary future and real past, false future and immutable present, a world of tomorrow contained in the lost American yesterday."
(John Crowley, The World of Tomorrow)

The stamps depict Romanian pavillion.


1943. Mi Nr 765-68. Help for Transnistria. The set represent the Moldavian Prince Duca, who was, for a short time, Hetman of Ukraine.

George Duca had plans of extending his rule over Right-bank Ukraine, where Ottoman gains had started with the acquisition of Podolia in 1672. His overlord appointed him Hetman over the newly-gained regions, in 1680 or 1681, after much bribery strained the Moldavian treasury as much as the request that Ducas had placed on the taxed categories that they contribute to his daughter's dowry.

In 1683, Ducas joined the Ottomans in their march and the Battle of Vienna. Helped by his absence and aware of the complete failure of the Ottoman plans, boyars throughout the land rebelled, following Ştefan Petriceicu's command, and welcomed the invading Poles and Cossacks.


1936. Italian occupation set. The stamp represent the King Victor-Emanuel the IIIrd.
The independence of Ethiopia was interrupted by the Second Italo-Abyssinian War and Italian occupation (1936–1941).
Following the entry of Italy into World War II, the British Empire forces together with patriot Ethiopian fighters liberated Ethiopia in the course of the East African Campaign (World War II) in 1941


1933 one stamp from a "Nationalities" set. The stamp is depicting Bashkirs.

The Bashkirs, a Turkic people, live in Russia, mostly in the republic of Bashkortostan. Some Bashkirs also live in the republic of Tatarstan, as well as in Perm Krai and Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Samara, and Saratov Oblasts of Russia.

Some Bashkirs traditionally practiced agriculture, cattle-rearing and bee-keeping. The nomadic Bashkirs wandered either the mountains or the steppes, herding cattle.

Bashkir national dishes include a kind of gruel called öyrä and a cheese named qorot.


1940. Mi Nr. 737-38. Two stamps from a war set celebrating the reattachment of Western Ukraine(part of Romanian province Bukovina) and Western Belarus to the Soviet Union.
According to Vasyl Hryshko "During the Bolshevik rule in Western Ukraine (from September 17, 1939 to June 22, 1941) about 750,000 men and women were killed or deported to Siberia."


Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini- 2 stamps from a set of 6. Mi Nr. 626 and 628/1941